
Welcome!! Please enjoy the most recent sermon, or choose one from previous Sundays!

Note, the recording BELOW the title is the one that corresponds!

January 2024: Epiphany; The Promise Continues

Jan 12: Presence  Luke 3: 12-17, 21-22

Jan 5: Shine  Matthew 2: 1-12

December: Advent – Not a Passive Waiting, but an Active Waiting!

Note, all sermons this month will feature a children’s story!

Dec 24 Christmas Eve: Note, this is the story, scripture and homily only  Book: “The Mouse in the Manger” by Eric and Meredith Schrotenboer  Scripture: Luke 2: 1-20

Dec 22: LOVE  Luke 1: 26-56  Book: “Why Christmas Trees Aren’t Perfect” by Richard Schneider and Elizabeth Miles

Dec 15: JOY  Luke 3: 8-17  Book: “Bear Stays Up for Christmas” by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman; The Joy of Giving

Dec 8, 2024: PEACE  Luke 3: 1-7 Book: “Room For a Little One” By Martin Waddell and Jason Cockcroft; Peace of Belonging

Dec 1, 2024: HOPE Luke 21: 25-34; Book: “Wombat Divine” By Mem Fox; Our Redemption Draws Near

Glatitude (Glimmers and Gratitude) Nov

Nov 24: Thank God JESUS is King!!  John 18: 33-37

Nov 17: The Whole Donut, not the Hole IN the donut  1 Thess 5: 12-22

Nov 10: Tithing Gratitude Luke 17: 11-19

Nov 3: Who’s the Boss?  Psalm 146

Where’s the Beef??  (James Series) Sept/Oct

Oct 27:  James 5: 13-20 Put it all to Prayer

Oct 20: Pastor Bob Swartz from St James Lutheran was our guest!  See his sermon for this day as he preached it at his church (sermon starts around 21:00 on video)

Oct 13: James 3:1-12 The REAL Problem with the Tongue

Oct 6: James 2: 8-24  Completed Faith

Sept 29: James 1: 17-27  It’s What’s Inside that Counts

Fruit of the Spirit Series Aug/Sept (Galatians 5:22-23)

Sept 22: John 8: 1-11 Hidden Power

Sept 15: Matthew 23:23 All In

Sept 8: James 2:15-17,  Luke 8: 40-56  Do All the Good

Sept 1: John 18: 26-27 Kindness can Save the World (song credit: Alternate Routes, “Nothing More”

Aug 25: Matthew 18: 23-35  Patience? Forbearance!!

Aug 18: John 14:1-4; 15-17; 25-31 What is this Peace?

Aug 11: John 15: 1-11 Jesus, Desmond Tutu, and The Dalai Lama 

Aug 4: Matthew 22: 34-40  It All Comes from Love